Simple & Secure Login

1. Schedule your first call

The first thing you do is schedule an initial assessment call via our app. Our app is safe and secure with the help of two-factor authentication. The first call takes about 30 minutes and you get to talk to one of our licensed psychologists about your problems so you can come up with a suitable plan to solve them.
Learning to sleep sleep treatment online secure login
One week at a time

2. Improve your sleep every week

Our treatment lasts for five weeks and every week your psychologist presents new methods and strategies based on CBT. The results of the treatment are continuously evaluated to ensure that the methods have an effect. You can end your treatment at any time, but you will get the best results if you complete all five weeks of the program. You pay £59 per session with your psychologist.
Learning to sleep sleep treatment online 5 week programme
Get psychological support

3. Get support & feedback every week

One of the most important tasks of the psychologist is to give you support and feedback. Every week you talk via voice or video call about how the previous week has gone and how you should continue. In addition to the weekly call, the psychologist is available via the chat in our app to answer the questions that may arise.
Learning to sleep treatment online talk to psychologist

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers